Journeying Toward More Sustainable Living: part 1 of x

As many of my closest family and friends know, Topaz Salt has been a passion project of mine for several years. It has taken on many forms, and the idea has grown and evolved as have I. As you follow along, growth and positive evolution will be a common theme.

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20 Weeks Pregnant in the Time of Coronavirus

Late December 2019, my husband and I joyfully found out I was pregnant with our first child. It was the day before we’d be traveling to visit our families for the holidays and we were over the moon to share the news with our closest relatives over Christmas and the New Year. Looking back now, I feel a sense of naiveté with our only stressor at the time being: Are we sure it’s not too early to share the news?

Little did we know a novel coronavirus had mutated and made the fateful leap to humans, and as a result a worldwide pandemic was on its way to the US.

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